A game designed and created by Sam Maugham and Mars Zaltzman as a revision tool and (hopefully!) enjoyable experience for the WJEC sociology GCSE course as of 2023. The player explores a small area and cave system where 16 sociologists live, each having failed in their quest to find 'The Truth'. They enter houses designed as memory aids for the resident's theory, move next to them, (press E) and listen to each one explain their beliefs. Special thanks to Ms Panchal and the Graveney sociology department for their support.

WASD or arrow keys to move around, E to interact (as indicated in game), and I to open the inventory

V0.1 - Player can move, enter and leave buildings. Using bare bones art, trying to get the real basics in.

V0.2 - Player can engage in dialogue with Willis. Dialogue basics set up, Willis and Francis have dialogue

V0.3 - Game idea has been fully thought through with a full timeline decided on. 2 mark questions are implemented as gates (only one question implemented), and ladders have also been implemented

V0.4 - The first layer in the main world has been created. 6 houses are available for visitation and 4MQs have been introduced. The inventory is functional but does not have individual icons for sociologists, and question gates are functional but questions are not randomised. This is the first playable demo.

V0.5 - Title screen and credits page are at MVP level. More importantly, the first batch of voice lines have been recorded and implemented to the game

V0.6 - Final 'boss fight' implemented, environment beautified, more voice lines. The full game loop is in, now we make more content

V1 - Work was slow during the exam period but 16 sociologists have now been implemented each with personalised art and human voice acting. The UI has been improved all around and various bugs and errors have been fixed. Others will be found when the game is played by more people but for now I have a finished product ready to be played when schools go back in September.

V1.1 - Fully thought I was done with this but the thought of leaving the sociologists with sprites from a prototype of an unrelated game I spent one day on wouldn't leave me alone. They now have similarly crude but purpose built looks where the skin tones correspond to their theoretical perspective. Also found some more game-breaking bugs which were (thankfully) very easy to fix. It's done for real this time!

V1.1.1 - Quick bug fix for Aries' room which hadn't been linked up properly

The downloads for versions pre V0.4 didn't work so I removed them. I didn't check if they worked before uploading them and now I don't have their backups.

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